Sustainable Development

Economic development required to support current and future generations must respect the limits of the earth’s natural environment and promote equity, social justice and well-being for all. Adopting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as unifying framework, our research studies the design and use of information systems to improve individual, organizational and societal sustainability outcomes. Research in this stream is enabled through support from the Fonds de recherche du Québec and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Sunrise in Victoria, BC


Jacqueline Corbett

Amal Ben Rjab

Sarah Cherki El Idrissi

Urbano Matos

Vijaya Lakshmi

Current Projects

Understanding the barriers to artificial intelligence adoption in smart sustainable cities

Using artificial intelligence to support sustainable agricultural practices

Improving information systems sustainability and developing approaches for detecting and eliminating data waste

Persuasive systems for promoting environmentally responsible behaviours at home, work and the community

Building knowledge and engagement through open data

Sustainable digital transformation of organizations and industries

Moving “Beyond Sustainability”

From February 21 to 23, 2024, I was privileged to participate in a think tank on “Beyond Susta…

AI and Sustainable Agriculture

A few months back, I was talking to a cousin who owns and manages a large farming operation in Alber…

The importance of responsible AI

For five year, researchers in Quebec have mobilized to understand the concerns raised by the advance…

Outstanding Reviewer at Energy Research & Social Sciences

I am honoured to be recognized with the Outstanding Reviewer Award for 2022 from the journal Energy …

AI in Smart Cities

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 seeks to make cities more inclusive, safe, resili…