Clean Energy

To meet the carbon emission reduction targets set out in the Paris Agreement and avoid the most devastating consequences of climate change, a transition to clean energy is required. In this stream of research, we investigate how digital technologies support this transition by helping to change individual behaviours, enabling utilities to leverage the smart grid, reducing energy demands of businesses, and informing policy makers. Funding for this research is provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

St. Lawrence River in the winter


Jacqueline Corbett

Chris Emmanuel Tchatchoung Wanko

Edlaine Martins

Urbano Matos

Vijaya Lakshmi

Current Projects

Intelligent approaches for achieving energy well-being (and eliminating energy poverty)

Clean energy solutions in greenhouses from a socio-technical-ecological perspective

Factors influencing the adoption of electric vehicles and the electrification of transportation

The influence of artificial intelligence and algorithmic management on workers and work in the energy sector

Outstanding Reviewer at Energy Research & Social Sciences

I am honoured to be recognized with the Outstanding Reviewer Award for 2022 from the journal Energy …

From Tweets to Insights

With my colleague, Tony Savarimuthu, I am pleased to announce the publication of our recent study ti…